Saturday, October 27, 2012

GTP Pippi Longstocking Trailer and Upcoming Show!

Last weekend I joined Anna and the gang to shoot the trailer for Gorilla Theater Productions' latest children's play, Pippi Longstocking. Of the trailers I've shot for GTP, this was the easiest overall. Learning from past mistakes, I found myself with a shooting script by Anna and a separate room to shoot everything in with just the actors needed, greatly reducing the background noise. Lighting was not ideal, but we made it work, and I'm quite pleased with the old-newspaper like texture I was able to get fiddling with the contrast and saturation during editing.

The music track in the background is called "Piddlyday." I cranked it out over a couple hours while editing the footage. Again, I'm fairly happy with it. It might show up in house music if that doesn't complicate things technically. We'll see.

The kids on this production are a blast, I haven't been too involved until recently, but many of them were off book (memorized their lines) by the second rehearsal. That's unreal. They've put our teen and adult actors to shame through that accomplishment alone, and as the trailer only hints at, they are hilarious. I'm also quite excited by the horse Anna has constructed. I provided some materials but the actual sculpting is all her. It's going to be awesome. I'll try to get her to post some photos when she can.

So... spread the word! Come on out! People should come see this beyond the actors' parents and firends. The kids are doing a great job, with a nice blend of returning vets (several from Secret Garden) and first timers with GTP (including the wonderful Pippi). We're returning to Sojourner's Church, where we staged Secret Garden after having such a positive experience working with them last time. It's lovely safe environment for children's productions like this. It's also got a lot of seating capacity so, again, the more the merrier!

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