It's not easy getting over fifty people to come out to a show on a Thursday, let alone a children's play. You can usually get the parents, some friends and extended family, but it seemed like there were more than a couple people that just came to watch a show. That's what the kids delivered, a show. The jokes got laughs (because they were funny), several songs were fantastic, and I heard only good things about the dance numbers (I was in the back operating the rear projector). The thing one dreads the most in children's theater--everyone standing around on stage completely unable to remember their lines in a frozen panic--didn't happen. They had each others' backs and even saved a song when there was a technical problem. Great kids all around!
There are three shows remaining. Tonight, tomorrow and a late Sunday matinee. I have no hesitation recommending this show to anyone interested in the material, or kids theater, or theater in general. As one parent said, approaching Anna afterwards with a very stern look on his face, "You call this children's theater!?!?" Pause. "Anna, this is theater!"
Again, performances are May 3, 4, 5 @ 7:00pm, and May 6 @ 3:30 pm at Sojourner's Church, 1017 Elliott Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Tickets are only $5.00. Hope to see you there!
Also, I recently looked at the stats on the show's trailer only to discover it is about to spill over 200 hits, of which about 150 are individual viewers! For everyone spreading the word, thank you so much. This is a hard show to break even on and we need all the publicity we can get.